
History | History Text | History Posters | 2004

Music for Bubble Biters
Music for Bubble Biters - Throughout 2004, the filming of Music for Bubble Biters - The Mockumentary was in full production. Shooting this film began in January and took place over several months in 2004.
Outside/In (Part II)
Outside/In (Part II) - Outside/In: Within These Walls, performed on April 16, 2004, was the second part of an experiment in broadcasting images from nature and external landscapes in the GRID environment. Created and directed by Nadja Masura this project was hosted by the University of Maryland College Park.

InterPlay: Hallucinations - Was performed April 23-35, 2004 at the University of Utah Intermountain Networking and Scientific Computation Center. This was the Another Language Performing Arts Company's first multi-site performance using the Access Gridtm and Internet 2.
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) - The 2004 Conference was held in Salt Lake City on July 20th. Jimmy and Elizabeth Miklavcic, represented through the Utah Cultural Alliance, the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies.
Supercomputing Global
Supercomputing Global - The 2004 Supercomputing Conference was held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from November 8-11, 2004. On November 11, Jimmy Miklavcic gave the first public presentation about the InterPlay performance series, he used InterPlay: Hallucinations as a case study.
anotherlanguage.org - The 2004 web components in development were the History Poster section of the Another Language website, also the performance programs for Another Language Performing Arts Company were scanned and placed in the history section of the website. The first electronic Newsletters were also created for the website.